Reasons for Not Hiring a Copywriter
Grow Your Brand

5 Reasons for Not Hiring a Copywriter

You’ve probably read my enthusiastic pitch about the wonders of having a copywriter in your corner. But let’s hit the brakes for a moment. It’s not always rainbows and unicorns. What are the key reasons for not hiring a copywriter?

1. Your Budget is Tight as a Drum

First, let’s face it, great copywriting costs money. You don’t expect a gourmet feast at the price of a burger, right? If your budget is as squeezed as a tram during peak hours, it’s probably time to reconsider hiring.

Good copywriting isn’t just about typing up words. A skilled copywriter digs into your industry, learns your audience’s language, and gathers solid data. These steps are crucial for crafting a message that really resonates. This deep dive and strategic approach are what you’re investing in, and it does require a fair budget.

2. Your Grip Is Firm as Stone

To all the control enthusiasts out there: if the thought of someone else shaping your brand’s voice sends shivers down your spine, maybe step back from the idea of hiring a copywriter.

A copywriter brings a fresh perspective and creativity to your message. They need freedom to explore different angles and put together a story that really talks to your audience. Constant oversight can stifle this creative process.

Trusting their expertise and giving them room to operate allows for the development of content that’s both engaging and effective.

3. You Need It Done Yesterday

If your deadline is “ASAP” or “yesterday,” you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Quality takes time. It’s not just about writing; it’s about understanding your business, your audience, and your goals.

In a future article, I’ll demystify the copywriting process, explaining why it’s more marathon than sprint. But let me tell you now, if you’re picturing a copywriter effortlessly putting together your life story in thirty minutes, you’re in for a big surprise.

A copywriter needs time to research, brainstorm, and refine to ensure the message is spot-on. Rushing the process can lead to bland content. Impactful words require time to be carefully crafted. Quick work often misses the depth and effectiveness of professional copywriting.

4. You Speak in Industry Tongues

Does a copywriter need to be an expert on what you do? Not really. If I knew everything about my clients’ industries, I’d probably be in a different line of work altogether. 

You might be great at what you do, but that doesn’t always mean you can communicate it effectively. That’s where a copywriter steps in – they help turn your expertise into messages that resonate with your audience.

However, if you’re in a highly specialized area like tech, healthcare, or law, having a copywriter with specific industry knowledge can be crucial. In these cases, a generalist might not have the depth of understanding needed.

5. You Have Skills and Time to Spare

Are you a freelancer or solo professional with time on your hands and a knack for writing? If you can clearly express what you do and who you are, and you’re confident in your writing abilities, then maybe you can skip the copywriter. Maybe.

Final Thoughts

A copywriter can be a fantastic partner, but they’re not the universal solution for every situation. Like a good pilsner, it’s perfect for some occasions and not for others. Recognize when those “others” apply to you.

Stay tuned for the next hot topic: Exploring the world of copywriters: What types are there and what can you expect? Subscribe to keep the insights flowing and your brand growing:

Teny Tales

As a copywriter and brand consultant✍️, I help go-getters—whether you’re running a company, working solo, or leading teams—craft messages that resonate, not just fill space.

Thinking of polishing your online presence or crafting an entire communication game plan? WhatsApp me, for a free consultation, and let’s take your brand from ‘Who’s that?’ to ‘That’s who we need!’ 🤩

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