Teny Casal Role of a Copywriter
Grow Your Brand

Stand Out Online Without Lifting a Finger: The Secret Role of a Copywriter

Ever read a social media post that made you think, “Wow, this person really knows their stuff?” Sometimes, that’s self-made genius shining through. But other times, there’s an unsung hero fine-tuning those must-click moments behind the scenes. It’s not a spellcaster, but she charms your audience: the copywriter.

Who is a Copywriter, Anyway?

Role of a Copywriter

So first things first. No, I don’t deal with copyrights, patents, or any of that legal mumbo jumbo. I’ll explain the specifics of what you can expect from a copywriter, and what’s not in our job description, in a future article. But first, let’s cover the basics.

A copywriter is a wordsmith, a message crafter, a storyteller. We’re the ones who fine-tune your brand’s voice and skillfully construct texts that elevate your professional presence from Who’s that? to That’s who we need!

Why Should You Care?

Teny Casal copywriter
  • Credibility Boost: You know what’s super empowering? When you look at your digital presentation and it screams, “This is so me!” It’s not vanity; it’s about aligning your online presence with who you are and what you offer. 

Take Zuzana, a passionate doula. She felt like our work together didn’t just sell her services, but lifted her confidence to a new level. And what’s truly rewarding for me as a copywriter is seeing how this newfound confidence has enabled her to engage with her clients with greater authority. It wasn’t just about branding; it was about helping her find her voice.

  • Time Freedom: Time is a luxury. And let’s be real, not everyone is a wordsmith or has the hours to become one. The good news? You don’t have to do it alone. 

I remember chatting with Kateřina, a fantastic tattoo artist, after crafting her website copy. She admitted, “If I tried really long and really hard, I would probably write my website texts somehow myself.” But she didn’t have to. Instead, she said I captured exactly what she wanted to say, quickly and effortlessly, allowing her to focus on her art and business—where her real passion lies.

  • Strategic Alignment: Having a cohesive message across all platforms is crucial for long-term success. A copywriter ensures that you’re not just throwing content out there but strategically aligning it with your goals. 

Take Nigel. His school in Prague needed to offer more than just a job opportunity—it needed to resonate as the place to be for potential recruits from abroad. The challenge? Bringing a diverse range of voices into a cohesive, persuasive narrative.

To tackle this, I took a deep dive into the school’s culture, interviewing key staff and carefully reviewing internal documents. Armed with these insights, I developed a thematic story for their recruitment booklet that captured the essence of life and work in Prague.

The payoff? Nigel shared that the booklet played a decisive role in helping some new recruits choose to work at the school. It didn’t just elevate their branding—it contributed to their recruitment success.

When to Hire a Copywriter?

“We wanted to formulate our story for our website, but since we are too close to our initiative, we thought it would be best to hire someone from the outside to help us tell our story and keep the focus on elements that would resonate with our audience,” shared with me a small business owner Gordon.

Sometimes being deeply involved in your own narrative makes it hard to articulate it effectively. Have you ever felt this way? The following are key scenarios when partnering with a copywriter can make all the difference.

  • Personal Brand Overhaul: If your LinkedIn profile is more blah than aha!, a copywriter can help you rewrite your story to capture the right attention.
  • Content Strategy: Stuck on what to post or not getting the engagement you wish for? A copywriter can provide you with a strategic content plan that builds both authority and meaningful conversations.
  • Professional Milestones: Whether you’re transitioning roles, launching a new service, or celebrating professional wins, a copywriter will make these significant moments shine online.
  • Competitive Edge: If you’re struggling to stand out, a copywriter’s competition and audience mapping will equip you with the tools to authentically differentiate yourself and attract the opportunities you really want.
  • Brand Building: For those serious about building a sustainable personal brand, a copywriter offers a comprehensive strategy that extends from LinkedIn to website copy, ensuring your messaging is consistent and compelling.

But I Can Write, Why Do I Need a Copywriter?

You might be good with words, but are you impactful? Copywriting isn’t just pretty sentences; it’s strategic storytelling. It’s knowing when to be persuasive, insightful, or downright motivational. It’s about transforming words into a powerful narrative that makes people want to be part of your journey.

So, whether you’re scaling new heights in your career, fine-tuning your personal brand, or looking to make your business stand out, remember: A good copywriter will help you make order out of chaos, highlight your strengths, and make you shine.

  • How does it work?
  • Can it help you with what you need?
  • Is it gonna be in your budget?

If you’re curious to learn more don’t hesitate to chat with me on Whatsapp and I’d be happy to give you all the answers. No strings attached. Not the right time to dive in? No worries—follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, and let’s stay in touch!

Up next: When NOT to hire a copywriter. Because hey, it’s not always a match made in heaven. Make sure to subscribe to keep the insights flowing and your brand growing!

Teny Tales

As a copywriter and brand consultant✍️, I help go-getters—whether you’re running a company, working solo, or leading teams—craft messages that resonate, not just fill space.

Thinking of polishing your online presence or crafting an entire communication game plan? WhatsApp me, for a free consultation, and let’s take your brand from ‘Who’s that?’ to ‘That’s who we need!’ 🤩

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