Lockdown Tips – Inspiration of the Month
It seems that in the last month we all had to make some changes to our lifestyles. Have you figured out the perfect set up for you already? If you’re like me, still adjusting to the new situation, learning and trying out new things, then keep reading. I’ve got 3 Lockdown Tips for you, you can try out right now, together with the best of March summary.
Enter the Nightmare at Aero – Jiří Flígl and the Shockproof Film Festival

This lucky one was the last of the Prague film festivals that managed to run till the end in March. Just three days later most of the cinemas were shut down. But before all that, I sat down with Jiří Flígl, the chief of Aero, to get some insider information about the festival organisation. Jiří offered a passionate testimony and added some cool movie tips. Read here.
Tip #1: My Cinema LIVE
Do you still miss going to the movies? Try this out – 5 cinemas got together to offer all cinephiles out there a way how to enjoy a cinema-like atmosphere from their homes, “Introductions, audience reactions, the company of friends, and at the same time you’ll be supporting your favorite cinema in a difficult time.” To learn more about how it all works and the program visit the following links:
Kino Aero 👉 bit.ly/MojeAero_Live
Bio Central 👉 bit.ly/Mojekin©_LIVE
BIO | OKO 👉 bit.ly/MojeOKO_Live
Univerzitní kino Scala 👉 bit.ly/MojeScala_Live
Kino Světozor 👉 bit.ly/MujSVZ_LIVE
Přítomnost 👉 bit.ly/MojePritomnost_LIVE
What It’s Like To Work Remotely, with Heidi Koelle

Talking about trying out new things… This is my first video-interview ever done. Heidi Koelle is a traveler and digital nomad born in the US. In the interview we talk about her relationship with Prague, the bright and dark sides of remote freelance work and the lessons she’s learned. Read here.
Tip #2: The Southern Space Cadet
Heidi is a Geopolitics graduate and leverages her background and experience on her travel blog. Currently in Guatemala, learn how she deals with the crises and how you can contribute too, to support the local economy. Follow her journey on her blog, The Southern Space Cadet:
Love of travel in the time of the Coronavirus
Should I stay, or should I go?
Ways to help Guatemala’s tourism industry in the time of the coronavirus
10 Stories That Made My Day in March

And here’s my new favorite pastime activity. I started collecting stories of positive human interactions. Stories that made your day. And hopefully make the day of others brighter too. Find out more here.
Tip #3: Join the Made My Day Project
If you have a story of your own that you’d like to share, I encourage you to send me a message on my Facebook Page with a selfie of yours and an answer to this question: What’s one nice thing someone did for you, told you or said about you today?
Follow on Instagram the stories as they come.
Hope you will enjoy my Lockdown Tips! If you don’t wanna miss the next post, subscribe below, and hope to see you soon!