The Project that Helped me Cope with Addictions
Being a smoker in Prague became really annoying when the smoking ban finally hit us in May 2017. “Do I actually have to go outside for every single cigarette?” “They can’t seriously expect me to smoke outside of Lucerna… or Vagon!” Hours flew by while I searched for places that bent the rules, and they became my new faves. I took it as a personal project. I like projects.
When I set my mind to something, I give it all I’ve got. That absolutely goes for dumb ideas too. I was fighting for my freedom to smoke while being a slave to the habit with which I had a love-hate relationship.
As a smoker, it’s constantly in the back of your mind: “How many cigarettes do I have left?” And if you are rolling, “Do I have papers? And is there a shop where they sell my favorites?” “Oh shit, I forgot my lighter again… Will have to ask someone on the street or buy yet another one, even though I have like 158 of them at home.”…
One July afternoon, I had a couple of minutes before a phone conference. I ran to the terrasse on the roof of my office building. “Oh god… I’m holding a cigarette again… I just wanted to enjoy the view, change the environment for a sec…” In that moment I made peace with it. I wanna be a non-smoker.
In fear of cravings,
I directed my passion for projects into research about dopamine. The chemical responsible in our brains (besides others) for feeling pleased, rewarded and motivated.
Not shockingly, cigarettes and other drugs such as alcohol, weed, etc, and impulsive behaviors, for instance gambling, watching pornography, shopping or eating, are the simplest way how to hit the reward centers in our brains and feel happy and euphoric. For a short period of time… That’s why it’s so easy to become addicted to those substances or behaviors.
So here comes the fun part! What are some enjoyable and harmless activities I could do to spike those dopamine levels? Even though I have no medical education whatsoever, the little mad scientist in me rejoiced over this project. After doing my research, I picked a bunch of fun activities, grouped them into 12 categories, and BOOM!
Dopamine Boost Cards were born.

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Ever since I left that office terrasse I never wanted to touch a cigarette again, and I never did. I was almost disappointed how smooth it went. But my Dopamine Boost Cards came handy very soon, when dealing with another fun toxic pastime activity of mine.
Food. Well, we all need to eat. But there is a difference between satisfying physical hunger and trying to fill the hole in one’s soul. I fell into the habit of binge eating whenever I faced unpleasant emotions. Come home and feel drained? Let me order a huge pizza and eat it all at once. Nothing going on at work? Let me kill the boredom by mindless snacking. Too stressed? Nothing that can’t be fixed by some greasy fast food.
With the help of Dopamine Boost Cards I started to break the habit. If I was overwhelmed by anxieties, I’d call or write a friend and talk it out. When I came home feeling angry, sad or frustrated, I’d listen to my favorite song, sing along and dance like crazy till the world suddenly seemed like a much better place…
For once my project brought fun, happiness and liberation, and I wanna share that with everyone who’s ready to give it a try.
