Slow Fashion in Prague – Inspiration of the Month
Slow fashion in Prague. That was the topic we focused on last month. I brought you a series of posts starting with my personal experience and introduction into slow fashion. We continued with an interview with an owner of a slow fashion store at Náplavka…
Slow Fashion in Prague: A Practical Guide for the Conscious Wardrobe
Deciding to embrace slow fashion is a journey of style and sustainability. Whether you’re firmly committed or just starting to explore, Prague offers a unique canvas for your fashion choices. Following up on our recent discussions about making the right fashion choices, including an enlightening…
On a Journey to Slow Fashion with the Owner of Etik Butik, Olga Garajová
I get out of a tram at Palackého náměstí and walk along Rašínovo nábřeží looking for number 54. It’s not my first time here. Etik Butik is one of my top go-to places when I need something specific for my wardrobe. But today I’m not…
Are You Making the Right Fashion Choices? – Slow Fashion in Prague
“Why don’t you write a post about how ridiculously some people dress in Prague?” a friend suggested to me months ago when I was fishing for inspiration for the blog. How can I write about something that I never give a second thought to? Socks…
The Perks of Skill-Sharing, with Michal Čapek from T.E.T.R.I.S.
It’s easy to feel anonymous, lonely and isolated in a big city. On the other hand, big cities tend to be full of opportunities to pursue our various passions. You can bet that there is someone out there who shares your interests. I feel that…
Learning New Skills – Inspiration of the Month
Last month we played games together, and this month I want to open the topic of learning new skills. Enjoy the summary of what happened on the blog in July and let me suggest 3 August action tips, you can try right now. Interview of…
Dive into the Music World and Learn It with Maarten Crefcoeur
“Oh, can I make one more suggestion?” For the third time, I’ve changed my mind about where Maarten and I should meet, “What would you say about Parukářka or somewhere you like in Žižkov? As it turns out, I should be later in the evening…
Top 15 Games We Came to Love During the Lockdown and Beyond
People of Prague have spoken again. Last month I set off on a journey of finding the ultimate game of my life. Along the way, you inspired me with your tips. And these are the top 15 games you find the most entertaining these days:…
One Day I’ll Master It! – Learning New Skills
I wish I knew how to do that! I think sometimes to myself. Like, when I have a bottle of wine and no opener. Or when I watch people jamming… See, I went through my childhood and adolescence without any musical education. My schedule was…
Circus, Games and “Nealko” – Inspiration of the Month
Summer’s finally here! July on the blog’s gonna be all about games, circus, and music. Learn more as I make a summary of what happened on the blog in the last month and share my July Action Tips. Interview of the Month: Vojta Stolbenko Not…