• Photo of the sun lit Prague city center from a distance
    My Story

    Do You Speak Czenglish?

    One of the many things I find entertaining about hanging out with people with diverse backgrounds is learning about all the languages they can speak or they study. If you ever tried to communicate anything in a foreign language, I’m sure you’d agree that it…

  • Silhouettes of people in the sunlight ready to gossip
    My Story


    I prefer to stay in blissful ignorance when it comes to stuff people say about me behind my back. I assume it’s none of my business if they can’t say it to my face... :P But let me state that the expat community in Prague…

  • A girl in an amusing park riding on a tank
    My Story

    A Sweet Girl Doesn’t Do That

    When I was a kid and I “misbehaved”, I’d hear, “Don’t do that; nobody will like you. Be a sweet girl, will you?“ And so I assumed that my life goals should include pleasing others and having everybody like me. With those goals in mind,…

  • Two mushrooms in a forest, standing in the sunlight
    My Story

    How I Developed An Eating Disorder

    I’d always thought of myself as someone generally confident and stable. I was always lean, fit-looking and perfectly fine the way I was… Ever since I can remember, I’ve liked to be health conscious. I also love cooking and like to dig deep when learning…

  • A pick-up line with shoes hanging on it
    My Story

    My Favorite Pick-Up Line

    I’d say that I rarely get picked up by men. I’m used to taking the initiative when I want something. When I’m into someone, I don’t like wasting my time by playing games. My signature “pick-up” line is, “Do you wanna make out?” I wouldn’t…

  • Paddle boat on Vltava
    My Story

    Why I Don’t Date Czechs

    I was born in Czechoslovakia, raised in Czechia and continue to live in Prague, the city I love. It was always sort of understood and expected that my life partner would be a Czech man. However, to the disappointment of my family, who don’t speak…